Fast weight loss

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

have a meal low cholesterol , decrease risk the high blood pressure ,

" , the cholesterol is " , be formed importanting that make is born , hypertension , including the heart disease , there is the food that help can decrease the cholesterol by must not risk to build [ wasp ] the disease aforementioned comes to deposit , a tomato is , , the eggplant is fragile , or , the eggplant is , type tomato , will have both of the vitamin C , and a substance but [ T letter ] , and the mineral that advantage various kinds agains , onion , help protect the hypertension , decrease fat level , taste stump neck waits for in a blood vessel , and a substance that is extracted from big onion still can decrease the sugar have in a blood vessel as well , the garlic is fresh , help protect the hypertension , decrease fat level , and taste stump neck waits for in a blood vessel , soybean , species beans plant will give tall protein , The young , multi-purpose fruit that have the moral , which , be the fiber that can dissolve the water , which , kind this fiber , will pull the cholesterol , and dismiss from the body , besides , still help maintain the heart , decrease the pressure , include quantity sugar supervision in the body , The mischievous , that unless , help , decrease cholesterol level , in the blood has then , still maintain the complexion , shinely as well , know like already this , try turn to have a meal both of 6 this kind sees , for decrease taste stump neck waits for in the body see ,

7 foods as have should to avoid when , empty stomach ,

its hungry person , ? near a hand , like to to grab reach the mouth go to before , ? have the habit likes this to request try adjust oneself ( lose/go dead ) new , because , something food might is a menu that not , softly suit the body has during that , "7 , a menu that should avoid empty stomach guard " , to bring notify in this time , bring from the column , " , physical wellbeing " , in news letter , " , build happy " , of funds office supports reinforcing health , ( , .) , May 2550 have the list
1. as follows liquor , garlic , bilateral like this will extremely encourage a membrane covers the stomach , cause the gastritis the food is infected , and the wound has in the stomach

2. the sugar or , dessert , such as , aerated water , sweets , chocolate , because , will make the protein assembles with the sugar , affect build [ wasp ] absorbing protein the every kind , and decrease work efficiency of the system circulates the blood and

3. kidneys feel numb old , do , give hydrochloric acid of gastric juice in the stomach adds , paleness , be born the symptoms shakes , circle the head , foot hand not , there are

4. persimmon powers , be formed encourage give the stomach pours hydrochloric acid comes out very , hurt the chest , squeamishness , and the wound in

5. banana stomaches , because , will enhance magnesium element in the blood tallly go up , make lose the proportion of the calcium and the magnesium , be work suppression of blood heart vessel , which , be bad build [ wasp ] the health

6. at most the vegetables , because , if , eat the vegetables only while , empty stomach , will make affected by indigestion

7. milk and the soybean , although , will abound with the protein , but , will born topmost efficiency when , the stomach has kind powder substance (stay) [doing that action] , add small again that , , while , the empty stomach should not take a bath and exercise , because , might cause the symptoms can shock easy , because of , the sugar in low blood ,