Fast weight loss

Saturday, October 4, 2008

the trick sleeps comfortable ,

or not are you are one person ? Yes , that be sleepy but , be sleepless , more can sleep throw go to almost the whole night , cause in the morning don't want awake , or , awake come to like [ model ] , drowsiness , ++ , eyes is swollen , eyes is dark , go to work like [ model ] , The disgusting , force liberate keep long ago gem bad sure health , ++ , like this must seek the way yes , , try change the routine , way of something your life sees , sometimes might help sleep easy sleep comfortable increasingly ,

explore that , or not is air bedroom ventilates convenient ? this is traditionally the hygiene at the beginning , if , open temperature air-conditioner should that 20-25 the degree Celsius , certainly yes , that , if , hot air is stuffy , make we are sleepless the hand chops a crow shakes , before go to bed take a bath hot , because , will help relax the body and exhausted mind come to all day , if , at a house has the bathtub drop a donkey transfers abundantly or , at mile watermelon down go to little , help sleep comfortable go up , when , bathe finished don't forget rub , enhance the refreshment gives with the skin , and seek the nightgown is soft comfortable come to add , avoid , feel numb , coffee , and beverage mixes the alcohol , in the evening or , early in the evening , give come to choose drink feel numb herbs roasts to feel numb that mile watermelon , or , feel numb a donkey transfers abundantly replace , or , will milk warms , ++ , hot some chocolate is glass , make sleep easy go up ,

should have a meal cold like [ model ] , near the bedtime too much , because , will make your stomach works hard , if , possibly don't eat 1 back dinner throws yes , besides introduce to choose light food , ++ , digest easy , fish kind steams the vegetables steams , avoid food fat gang , animal meat , spices , and very seasoning , ++ , yes , , before go to bed 3 somes hour , try cut about [ story ] work hard depart from the mind , should not very much to carry the work comes to do or , read kind excited book , be mysterious , because , unless , make you lay the movie rumors not already down , still cause the excitement before lie down again but , give seek light music , ++ , listen replace , might gang music A , for the relaxation , which , now have choose plentiful , each person have life your clock by oneself , try observe look good , ++ , ++ that , you hungry are when , and sleepy ? , if , be born the symptoms is drowsy , the eyelids is slack , show that , you have must to lie down then vacate , be hurried lie down immediately , because , if , past the time lie down go to you might are sleepless , and when , get , gold time has of oneself already , as a result , please remember , and try make often , seek at head of the some bed , for write that , there is what is the cause ? ? that make you is sleepless , and have ? ? that make you sleeps good close , in order to , get bring correct and apply with oneself ,